
Showing posts from December, 2023

Taj Mahal Same Day Tour By Superfast Train

A same-day tour of the Taj Mahal by superfast train is a popular option for visitors who are short on time but want to experience the beauty of this iconic monument. Here's a general outline of what to expect: Start Early: Same-day Taj Mahal tours usually start early in the morning to make the most of the day. The goal is to reach Agra, where the Taj Mahal is located, in time for a sunrise or early morning visit. Superfast Train: The use of superfast trains, such as the Gatimaan Express, is common for same-day Taj Mahal tours. These trains provide a quick and comfortable journey between major cities like Delhi and Agra. Train Booking: Ensure that you book your train tickets in advance. You can do this online through the official Indian Railways website or through authorized travel agencies. Departure from Delhi: If you're starting from Delhi, you'll typically catch the train from the Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station. The Gatimaan Express, for example, is known for its

Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour

A Taj Mahal sunrise tour is a popular and magical experience, offering the opportunity to witness the iconic monument bathed in the soft hues of the morning light. Here's a suggested itinerary for a Taj Mahal sunrise tour: Day 1: Evening Before: Departure from Delhi 8:00 PM: Start your journey from Delhi to Agra. You can choose to travel by car, train, or bus, depending on your preference. Day 2: Early Morning: Arrival in Agra 4:00 AM: Arrive in Agra and head straight to the Taj Mahal. It's advisable to start early to secure a good spot for viewing the sunrise. Sunrise at the Taj Mahal 5:30 AM - 6:30 AM: Experience the breathtaking sunrise at the Taj Mahal. The changing colors of the sky provide a magical backdrop to the iconic structure. Morning: Taj Mahal Visit 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM: Explore the Taj Mahal, taking in its beauty and learning about its history from your guide. Breakfast: 9:00 AM: Enjoy breakfast at a nearby restaurant or at your hotel. Late Morning: Agra Fo

Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour

Hello, fellow adventurers! Welcome to Taj Mahal Tours Agra, where we bring you the magic of the Taj in a single day. Today, let's dive into the excitement of our Same Day Agra Tour by Superfast Train – a journey that's fast, fun, and filled with wonders! Why Superfast Train? Zooming into Adventure! Quick Journey: Imagine reaching Agra in just a blink! With our Same Day Agra Tour by Superfast Train, your adventure starts with a speedy and comfortable train ride from Delhi. More Time to Explore: The train not only gets you there fast but also gives you more time to explore the marvels of Agra, especially the world-famous Taj Mahal. Morning Thrills: All Aboard for Agra! Early Departure: Your adventure kicks off early in the morning as you board the superfast train from Delhi. Sit back, relax, and let the excitement build! Scenic Ride: Watch the landscape change as the train speeds towards Agra. It's like a movie playing outside your window, with green fields, small towns

Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour

In this Tour package is designed specially for Summer Season, In this tour will start in early morning at 03:00 AM, avoid the extreme hot temperature in summers and explore the Taj Mahal in morning. 1 Pick Up From Hotel / Aiport in Delhi NCR / Gurgaon Our Driver will come to pick you up from you hotel and drive to Agra. Enjoy 3 hours ride to Agra Flexible Pick-Up Time 2 Meet Your Tour Guide on Arrival - Proceed to Taj Mahal Visit Taj Mahal with you Tour Guide, it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal 3 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 4 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 5 Visit Mehtab Bagh Sunset Point - Back view of Taj Mahal This is an optional site to visit, if you are in hurry you can skip it. Exploring the back side of a Taj

Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour

In this Tour package is designed specially for Summer Season, In this tour will start in early morning at 03:00 AM, avoid the extreme hot temperature in summers and explore the Taj Mahal in morning. 1 Pick Up From Hotel / Aiport in Delhi NCR / Gurgaon Our Driver will come to pick you up from you hotel and drive to Agra. Enjoy 3 hours ride to Agra Flexible Pick-Up Time 2 Meet Your Tour Guide on Arrival - Proceed to Taj Mahal Visit Taj Mahal with you Tour Guide, it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal 3 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 4 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 5 Visit Mehtab Bagh Sunset Point - Back view of Taj Mahal This is an optional site to visit, if you are in hurry you can skip it. Exploring the back side of a Taj

Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour

In this Tour package is designed specially for Summer Season, In this tour will start in early morning at 03:00 AM, avoid the extreme hot temperature in summers and explore the Taj Mahal in morning. 1 Pick Up From Hotel / Aiport in Delhi NCR / Gurgaon Our Driver will come to pick you up from you hotel and drive to Agra. Enjoy 3 hours ride to Agra Flexible Pick-Up Time 2 Meet Your Tour Guide on Arrival - Proceed to Taj Mahal Visit Taj Mahal with you Tour Guide, it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal 3 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 4 After Taj Mahal - Proceed to Agra Fort After visiting Taj Mahal, proceed to Agra Fort. It was built in 1565 A.D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar. 5 Visit Mehtab Bagh Sunset Point - Back view of Taj Mahal This is an optional site to visit, if you are in hurry you can skip it. Exploring the back side of a Taj